32-Way Pressure Display Unit Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in UK
Product Code : DS-OCF-10792
Didac Scientific is a leading
32-Way Pressure Display Unit Manufacturer,and suppliers in UK
32-Way Pressure Display Unit
The unit mounts onto the control and instrumentation frame of the water channels. It is ideally suited to applications where multiple pressure measurements are required, for example in flow over spillways and through sluice gates. It measures and displays up to 32 pressures from models, Pitot tubes and other measuring instruments fitted to a water channel. This allows easy and quick connection between the unit and an experiment mounted in a water channel. Connection to each of the 32 calibrated pressure transducers is via quick-release pressure inputs mounted on the front panel of the unit. All pressures are measured with respect to atmosphere. The unit has an integral liquid crystal display with a scroll switch that allows all 32 channels to be viewed in groups of four at any time.